What is the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit in New York?
In New York, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury suit is three years for general negligence claims. There are shorter periods of limitations for other types of personal injury actions. If you are injured by someone else you should seek a consultation as soon as possible.
What is the statute of limitations for filing a property damage suit in New York?
In New York, the statute of limitations for filing a property damage suit is three years for general negligence claims. However, you may have a claim arising from a breach of contract or other basis that modifies your time limitations. You should consult with an attorney for proper advice.
How long can I expect to lose my driver’s license if I decline to take a chemical test (i.e. breathalyzer/blood test)?
If you decline to take a chemical test, you can expect to lose your driver’s license for one year.
Can a DWI be pleaded down to a non-alcohol related offense?
No. The State of New York does not allow DWI’s to be pleaded down to a non-alcohol related offense.
What are the three steps of the appeals process with respect to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)?
The three steps of the appeals process regarding Social Security Disability Insurance are as follows:
- A hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)
- A hearing before the Appeals Council
- Taking your case to federal court in New York
When will the Appeals Council hear an SSDI case?
The Appeals Council will only hear SSDI cases it determines were decided based on incorrect procedures.
How can I determine how much SSDI I should receive each month?
Your monthly payment depends on the amount you paid into the Social Security system. Call Attorney Wayne M. Chariff for more information regarding SSDI payments.
What does workers’ compensation cover?
Workers’ compensation covers medical care, rehabilitation, and wage replacement should you need to miss work due to an injury sustained while performing your work duties.
What are the three requirements for receiving workers’ compensation?
The three requirements for receiving workers’ compensation are as follow:
- Your employer carrying workers’ compensation insurance
- Your being an employee of the company in question
- Your injury being work-related
What kinds of cases are handled in civil litigation trials?
Civil litigation trials handle all other cases in which monetary damages are sought instead of criminal penalties. This encapsulates many kinds of cases, but some common examples are those pertaining to personal injury, employment law, business disputes, and more.